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The power of film is sharing stories of different perspectives, and the power of facilitating is to create the space for these voices to be heard.

We don’t just make films and tell stories, we also show others how to do it themselves. We facilitate empowering workshops by teaching the skills and creating the space for every voice to be heard.

WANDEL LAB - Storytelling as an act of Resistance : Artistic Intervention and Impact in the Planetary Emergency

For the last four decades, as scientific comprehension of the Planetary Emergency has developed and become more nuanced, the role of storytelling has been an important aspect for developing a movement of resistance. But even though news coverage, films and multi-modal representations continue to be produced and circulated to audiences, what role do they actually play in the environmental movement?

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The Resilience Film Challenge, 2013 - 2018

Everyone has a story to tell, and there is power in sharing these stories. This insight emerged in partnership with several of Sydney’s largest NGOs working in the fields of mental health and homelessness. The result was an annual film festival, held at the iconic Sydney Harbour

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WEPRESS- Young Journalist Workshop, 2018 - 2019

At the Wepress workshop, the participants learn how to conduct research on a journalistic project and how to use audiovisual equipment. The Wepress project is the second project of its kind. It´s aim is to empower through political education and teach video journalism to potentially marginalized young adults.

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“You are the Story you Tell” - Selfhelp groups, 2017 - 2019

Sharing our stories is essential for us to perceive ourselves. The self-help group is an important part of these 4-month workshops. The basic idea was to organize a self-help group with newcomers and locals to overcome prejudices, to get to know other cultures and to expand creative skills through camera training and a storytelling exercises. 

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